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The Solar Plexus Center (Jovian Archive)

Добавлено: Ср 07 фев 2018, 17:33
Let's continue our Journey through the Centers of the Human Design Bodygraph with your mutating Solar Plexus Center. If colored in (defined), the Solar Plexus is automatically your Authority for decision-making. Neither a simple nor easy Authority, definition of this emotional center calls for discipline and patience. Waiting out deep uncertainties and emotional inconsistencies until you are as clear as possible (when there is no emotional charge around a decision) before moving forward is correct for you.

Your emotional system is home to the delights of feelings, sensitivity, desires, passion, romance, the drive for sex, food and spirit consciousness. This potent center produces a biochemical fluctuation of emotion over time, which can affect the functioning of its associated biology; your nervous system, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and prostate gland.

Your Solar Plexus is a truly powerful motor (your Root, Sacral, and Ego Centers are also motors) often causing a constant rising and falling of emotions. Operating in a wave frequency determined by the channels linking to nearby centers, you see and feel from the perspective of where you are on the emotional "wave". Ranging from the highest of hopes (where everything looks rosy) to the deepest pain imaginable (where nothing looks good) means experiencing, accepting and transcending emotions takes time.

Your Solar Plexus is the only center in your bodygraph operating as both a motor and a so-called awareness center (the Ajna and Splenic being your other awareness centers). It is an emerging awareness, dominated by its motor function; undergoing a several thousand-year transformation culminating in 2027. Our Solar Plexus Center is developing the awareness of experiencing ourselves as a single entity or "oneness". For more information on the result of this phenomenon, please see Ra's 2027 Mutation Lectures.

Whether your Solar Plexus Center has consistent energy present (defined) or not (undefined), its activated gates can bring emotional uncertainty or nervousness - fears regarding personal interactions. Following your Strategy and Authority while learning the mechanics of your Solar Plexus and honoring your body's constantly changing chemistry can bring about an invaluable understanding. This understanding allows you to come to accept the feelings, needs and desires of both yourself and others with compassion.

And this compassion is crucial. With half of humanity deciding rashly in very high or low moments while the rest amplify emotional energy and over-react or develop adaptive strategies in the attempt to avoid pain, emotions color our world.

Spontaneous emotional decisions bear a heavy price. The complex interaction between a defined and undefined Solar Plexus can cause a powerfully distorted emotional wave, often medicated and misunderstood, with the risk of developing manipulative or passive-aggressive behaviors.

Your Strategy and Authority aligns you to develop a healthy relationship with emotions, presenting opportunities to experience the full range of feelings life has to offer. Society continues the myth that we need to be happy all the time and when we are not, something is wrong, or wrong with us.

Whether you have a defined Solar Plexus or not, the depth of emotions you feel are beautiful when allowed, experienced, and released. The key is not to identify with these emotions, nor judge them as good or bad, right or wrong. These waves are an expression of bodygraph mechanics, a potential expression of awareness, and they are nothing to be ashamed of.

As you read about the gates below, have your Human Design Chart handy to take special note of the ones you have defined.

Источник: https://www.jovianarchive.com/

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