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The 9 Centers & their Not-Self Themes (Jovian Archive)

Добавлено: Вс 04 фев 2018, 21:13
Generally speaking, the strongest source of conditioning comes from the open Centers in your BodyGraph. To help you begin experimenting with your Strategy & Authority, we’ve included the open Center not-self keynotes and questions. Take a look at your Human Design Chart and for every Center in white be sure to read the relevant information:

The Open Head Center
Thinking about things that don’t matter
Are you trying to answer everybody else’s questions?
The Open Ajna Center
Pretending to be certain
Are you trying to convince everyone that you’re certain?
The Open Throat Center
Trying to attract attention
Are you trying to attract attention?
The Open Heart (Ego) Center
Feeling unworthy and undervaluing
Do you think you have something to prove?
The Open G Center
Fixated on finding love and direction
Are you constantly looking for direction and love?
The Open Splenic Center
Holding on to what isn’t good for you
Are you holding on to things that aren't good for me?
The Open Sacral Center
Not knowing when enough is enough
Do you know when enough is enough?
The Open Solar Plexus Center
Avoiding confrontation and truth
Are you avoiding confrontation and truth?
The Open Root Center
Always in a hurry to be free of the pressure
Are you in a hurry to get things done so you can be free of pressure?
Источник: www.jovianarchive.com