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Inner Authority: None (As a Projector)

Добавлено: Вс 04 фев 2018, 21:02
Sounding Board (Environment) Authority

To have the Sounding Board Authority means you are a Projector who is very open to the energy and conditioning of others.

Your Authority requires that you have trusted advisors who invite you to talk so that you can hear yourself discuss the decision at hand. The more often you discuss the decision, the more apparent your choice will become.

Your mind operates in a consistent, specific, and trustworthy way. With a fixed mind such as yours you are not someone who is easily influenced by the mental preferences and predispositions of others. Mind, however, is not a decision making authority.

The key for you is hearing what you say to multiple people, as your Authority comes from reflecting with others in your environment.

Источник: www.jovianarchive.com