Type: Generator & Manifesting Generator (Jovian Archive)

Модератор: luchnivik

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Сообщения: 1928
Зарегистрирован: Вт 16 май 2017, 19:49
ПЙ-тип: ФВЛЭ (Гёте)
Соционический тип: Чебурашка

Type: Generator & Manifesting Generator (Jovian Archive)

Сообщение luchnivik »

Strategy: To Respond

Generators make up roughly 70% of the population. They are energy Types, and by far the largest Type group. Manifesting Generators are part of this group.

If you are a Generator, you need to wait for what life brings to you, and then follow your response. Your aura draws things to you and you are energetically designed to respond to what is correct for you. Your aura is open and enveloping, always ready to take in who and what is correct for you. Once you respond to a person, event or action, you can then act with the full force of your powerful energy.

The Generators are the great builders. They derive their energy from the Sacral center, the source of generating the creative life force. You have a tremendous amount of energy at your disposal, but need to know how to use this power correctly in order not to be enslaved by it. When you initiate, trying to make what your mind wants to happen, you will generally meet with resistance in the form of frustration and feeling stuck. You can end up involved in projects and activities that deplete you, without leaving you fulfilled or satisfied. Over time, this leads to exhaustion and quitting.

By learning to Wait to Respond you can begin to eliminate this resistance and the frustration that comes from not living a life that honors your true nature. Only then will you experience your signature — pure Satisfaction.

Источник: www.jovianarchive.com

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