The Key Belongs to the Vehicle (Ra Uru Hu)

Модератор: luchnivik

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The Key Belongs to the Vehicle (Ra Uru Hu)

Сообщение luchnivik »

But you have to strip the Personality of any illusion that it has the right to make a decision about anything, because it doesn‟t. The magic of the duality is to understand where the key is. The key belongs to the vehicle. This is the basis of Human Design as a form principle knowledge. Differentiation ultimately can be experienced in the self-reflected consciousness, but it cannot even exist in the self-reflected consciousness until the differentiation of the form is established.

Everything about being unique in this life, everything about being your own Authority in this life belongs to the vehicle. And the only way in which this duality can be balanced is not when the Personality tries to do the vehicle‟s job, then there‟s distortion and imbalance. It‟s when the Personality begins to do its job: The passenger in the back seat looking out the windows watching the movie. That‟s what it‟s for. It‟s so good at it.

Отрывок взят из текста Ra Uru Hu "Design Concepts: Lesson 1", стр. 12.

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