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The Form has to be Correct (Ra Uru Hu)

Добавлено: Сб 03 фев 2018, 15:17
So, when you look at a bodygraph you have to look to either side first. The last century has been full of those exploring the way in which mind works from every possible level. And it‟s something to understand: Everything about what it is to be human is about recognizing that it is the form and the form alone that has to be correct. We have all of this emphasis on the nature of mind, how important it is, how clever it is, how smart it is. But when you think about the way in which we‟ve looked at psychology, how important it is to understand that when you‟re looking at the red, when you‟re looking at the way it works in the vehicle, this was always confused with the unconscious as if it was somehow mentally related.

Отрывок взят из текста Ra Uru Hu "Design Concepts: Lesson 1", стр. 6.